School of the Wise: A service of Web of Shadows
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Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to explore the School of the Wise.  It is with sincere humility and hope that we open the doors to our School.  This is a project that has been a long time in the making, and I hope that it proves to be a benefit to each of us as we continue to learn and walk on this path.

Let me begin by stating that the purpose of our School is to bring people together, provide some structure, and hopefully aide us all in our goal of learning more about the Craft, and specifically how to apply it's principles to our daily lives.  It is not our intention to be experts in the field, nor do we believe that our way is the only way to practice Wicca or Witchcraft.  It is simply our desire to work together and grow individually, and collectively.

Our courses are open to anyone who is 18 or over, and is truly dedicated to learning more about Wicca and Paganism in general. Please be sure and read the Rules, as you will be expected to follow them.

To enroll in the School of the Wise, simply place your email address in the space below. One of the instructors will approve your request as soon as possible. Again, remember to read the Rules first. By submitting your email address, you are stating that you have read, and agree to follow, the rules.

In order to help facilitate the learning, I have taken the liberty of putting together lessons that will hopefully help stimulate additional thinking about each particular chapter.  I feel it is necessary to point out that this is not because I believe I'm better qualified then the author to explain a particular point.  It is solely a result of having had to struggle through certain parts of a book, and wanting to help encourage you to question what you are reading, and to truly absorb it. 

The first text that we will use for our School is Silver RavenWolf's "To Ride a Silverbroomstick".  This is a great 101 text, and will lay a nice foundation for the rest of our courses.  In case you are wondering, some of the future authors we will be relying on include: Scott Cunningham, Amber K, Raymond Buckland, Edain McCoy, and several others. While we may not all agree with everything these authors have to say (actually we will probably never agree with everything any author has to say lol) there is a lot of wonderful knowledge that can be gained by studying their material.  I strongly urge each of you to purchase the texts that we are going to be using.  Most of them will range in price from $10 - $20, and that is a small price to pay for the knowledge that will be gained.  Again, there is absolutely no other cost involved in the School of the Wise.
I look forward to working with each of you as we challenge ourselves and grow in the Craft of the Wise.

Should you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, or one of the other instructors.

Founder - School of the Wise

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