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 Course #1 Lesson #12
 This chapter may very well be one of the most important in the entire book.  Not necessarily because of its profound wisdom, but rather because this is extremely practical information.  Over the course of the next several months and years you will be collecting a large amount of information.  If you can begin to think about how you will organize this data, you will save yourself some enormous headaches later.

Keeping track of your magickal endeavors is a key to learning how to improve your skills and abilities.  You can look back on each working and see what went well, what didn't go so well, and what just flat out didn't work.  Don't get down on yourself when your spell or rite doesn't seem to go as well as expected.  Just like any other new endeavor, your magickal journey is going to be filled with peaks and valleys.  The trick is learning how to overcome the valleys, and not get to proud when you reach the peaks.  It's all about balance.

Personal Journal

If I had a dollar for every journal I have started in my lifetime, I would be a rich man!! However, I believe in the value of the journal (maybe that's why I keep trying to come back to it!) One thought that just comes to mind, rather than trying a "daily" journal, maybe it should be viewed truly as a personal journal. This eliminates the feeling of "having" to write in it every day, and it could be used more fully when there is something you want to record.  Just a thought. 

However you set up your journal, the important part is to be honest with yourself when you are writing.  Trying to candy coat things that are going on in your life is not going to help you in any way, nor will downplaying the mistakes you make on your spiritual/magickal journey.  This is a time to look yourself in the face and see where the problems lie in your life.  Then, and only then, will the real solutions come to mind.

Book of Shadows

Personally, some of the most fulfilling time I have spent in the Craft is when I am working on and reviewing my Book of Shadows (BOS).  My book consists of a 3 inch binder, which is divided by subject.  I have had to really truly piece through things at times, because it gets so large.  At first I put everything I could get my hands on in that book, and honestly only read about half of it. Then it dawned on me that my BOS should only hold things that I completely believe in and agree with. I was shocked and amazed to find some of the things that I had put in my BOS.  After that, I started a folder on my computer that I put all the neat research I find in, and make sure I review it completely before I even think about putting into my BOS. 

So what exactly goes in a BOS?  I think I probably drove my fiancé' crazy asking that question.  The answer is simply whatever you want to put in it!  This is your book, and its not subject to anyone else's approval.  Having said that  I think the list that Silver provides is a very good start.  Hopefully it will provide you with some ideas and direction as you begin to build your own BOS.


Get out a piece of paper (or open Microsoft Word lol) and write down a rough idea of what you want to put in your BOS.  You can make the list as broad or specific as you want, the important thing is to start planning your book.  If you already have a BOS, think about what you'd like to add to it, or how you might be able to improve it.

Lesson 12 Quiz

1.  Briefly describe how you think a Personal Journal should be designed.  (should it be daily/weekly, what type of information do you think should go in it; should there be just one journal or one for magick and one for mundane things)

2.  List 5 topics that your BOS has/will have.

3.  T/F  I have completed the Exercise for Lesson 12.

Lesson 12 Quiz Answers

1.  Completely subjective question, any answer that has thought into it is correct.

2.  See # 1

3.  True?

Continue on to Lesson 13


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