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 Course #1: Lesson 1:  Picking up the Broomstick
Reading Assignment:  Read Chapter 1.  You will want to have the text open as we work through it, so that you can refer back if need be.
Note* Just a reminder, while I will attempt to summarize, and will occasionally quote directly from the text, due to copyright restrictions I am unable to provide an actual copy of the text online.  While it is possible to get some good knowledge without the text, it is strongly recommended that you invest in a copy of each text that we use.  Your spiritual growth is well worth that small investment.
Lesson 1:

Silver beings by discussing that moment when we realize that Wicca is the path we are interested in following.  This knowledge may come in a rush of excitement, or a slow realization that what you have always believed has a name.

Writing Assignment #1:  Briefly describe the events that lead upto your decision to at least investigate Wicca, and why your believe that this is the path you want to follow.  Post your answers to the group if you are comfortable doing so. *Note: Please always place the course number and lesson number in the subject line so that those receiving your posting will know what it's in reference to.

Silver continues on to discuss how the book, and indeed the School of the Wise, is intended to be used.  Her goal, and our goal, is not to teach one certain tradition, but rather to provide each of us with the basics of the Craft, and help us in setting, or realizing,  our own beliefs.  She also mentions that there are many writing assignments that are placed throughout this text.  Many of her assignments will be the one's chosen for our writing's. She also suggests that you purchase a binder of some sort to keep your notes in.  I strongly encourage you to do this. You will find that as you continue through this course, and the one's that follow, you will be creating a wonderful resource that you will likely use many, many times in the future.


The word "Witch" has many different meanings to many different people, and not all of them are positive.  To begin with, it is important that you determine in your mind what being a "Witch" and practicing "Witchcraft" really means.  Don't worry if you feel like you don't have all the answers yet, because none of us do!  What matters is that you are beginning to take random thoughts and put them down on paper in an organized fashion.  You will be amazed at what knowledge you already have.

Writing Assignment #2:  As Silver suggests, take a few minutes and record the following.  You may do this in a letter format, as she suggests, or just in a short essay.
     1.  Describe what the terms "Witch" and "Witchcraft" mean to you.
     2.  Describe how you believe that society in general views Witchcraft.
     3.  Set a goal that you want to accomplish by the end of this course.

What Witches Are Made Of

Perhaps there is no other religion or group of people where the saying that "no two people are exactly alike" holds more true than to Witches.  We are an eclectic group, and realize that our differences are what makes us special.  The beauty of Wicca is that we do not believe that our way is the only way, although there are some people I've talked to that seem to have forgotten this little gem of wisdom.  As Silver says "it is not necessary that your 'truth' conform to anyone else's. Conversely, you cannot expect the world to conform to your truths, either."  If you learn nothing else from this entire book, take this lesson with you.  I spent many a night trying to decide, from a long list of possibilities, what was the "right way" to do something.  I specifically remember working on my first ritual, and having a heck of a time deciding exactly which words were right, and what order was right, and all that.  Once I finally realized that what was right for me was the only thing that mattered, a whole new world of freedom opened before me, and I was able to begin to grasp the true meaning of Witchcraft.

Silver then follows up with the 13 Principles of Wiccan Belief as written by the Council of American Witches in 1974.  This is a general listing of what most American Witches believe.  You will find that while Wicca is a personal religion, there are many things that we each share in common as far as our beliefs are concerned.  If you do not have a copy of Silvers text, you can read the 13 Principles here.  Even if you have read these already, go back over them again. It is important that you determine if you agree with this list or not.

Writing Assignment #3:  Once again, go through each of the 13 Principles and determine which ones you do not understand, or do not agree with.  Now, choose one that you agree with and describe how you would like to incorporate that belief into your everyday life.  As you continue to study, feel free to check off the one's that you find further understanding about.  That is, after all, the point of studying.

You may find that there are a couple things discussed in these 13 Principles that you just flat out don't agree with. Does this mean you can't be a  Witch?  I don't believe it does.  If you find that you disagree with the majority of them, then you may want to re-evaluate your reasons for choosing Wicca as a religion.  While these principles certainly are not a mandate, they do outline quite well, the basic belief's of Wicca.

How Did I Get Here?

If you have recently discovered Wicca, there are many thoughts that are probably rambling around in your head, especially if you were raised in a different religion.  Personally, I come from a rather strong Christian background, and there were times that I just knew for sure I was going to hell for this one. I had to truly look at Wicca and Witchcraft and decide for myself that all the roomers, and all the rhetoric that was published about how evil and satanic Wicca, or more specifically Witchcraft, is were not based on truth, but rather on others' opinions and desire to suppress the truth.  It took some time, but as I studied and really kept an open mind, I was able to see the beauty and truth about Wicca.  You will have to do the same if you truly desire to pursue this path.  After all, how can you possibly walk a path that you believe to be wrong, and have any success with it?

Silver continues by briefly discussing the year and a day concept.  Simply put, the standard (if there is any such thing) regarding study and initiation into the Craft within a Coven is that a beginner is expected to spend One year and one day studying, learning, practicing and being guided before they make the "official" decision to join the ranks of the Wiccan.  This time allows for serious investigation into this religion, which for many people is brand new.  If you are already working with a group, my advice is to be sure and analyze the group, as well as the religion.  Is this a group that you can see yourself working with for a long time to come?  Are you completely comfortable with these people, or do their actions or words sometimes frighten you.  I have heard horror stories about people "initiating" other's into Wicca, and their ceremony is nothing short of a massive orgy.  While Wiccans are rather open about their sexuality, you should never be forced to do something against your will.  These people, in my humble opinion, are frauds and idiots and have absolutely nothing to offer you. 

If, however, you are fortunate enough to find a group that you are comfortable with, I would advise inquiring as to their belief's regarding the year and a day, and follow their principle if you are in agreement. 

If you are, or plan to be, a Solitary Wiccan, then you must decide for yourself if you want to use the year and a day time for studying. Personally, when I first began to learn about Wicca I went through a couple of months of reading everything I could get my hands on.  After I felt comfortable with the religion, I did a small ritual where I asked the Lord and Lady to guide me and to help me on my path. I told them that I was going to seriously study and learn the ways of the Wicca, and that I was going to be a student for a year and a day.  When that time was over, I then knew enough to properly dedicate myself to their service and to the religion completely, and that was when I did my dedication.  The choice is up to you.

Writing Assignment #4:  As Silver suggests, take time to write down the answers to the following questions.  This may be one of the hardest assignments you will have, so be sure and give yourself plenty of time.  If you take the time to meet yourself "eyeball to eyeball" you will be amazed at what you find.  If you do not, I believe you will regret it later, and be forced to do so at some point.
     1.  What needs are you feeling right now?
     2.  What do you feel you will gain by studying the Craft?
     3.  What do you fear you may lose if you continue on this path?


Silver finishes with a very important point. "To tell your friends, family and acquaintances that you are a Witch without truly studying the Craft is a travesty of all you are supposed to believe."  Why does she say that?  I think there are a couple of reasons.  First, making such a statement before you are truly ready is not fair to yourself, your family, or Wicca.  There are many people out there who profess to be Wiccan and couldn't tell you the first thing about the Wiccan Rede, or the 13 Principles, or how we view the Lord and Lady.  These people are in it for the shock value and will find that the Lord and Lady do not like it when people play with things they don't understand.  Secondly, if you are not sure that this is the path you want to follow, and yet you begin to profess being a Witch, you will likely be placed in situations that could be avoided with a little caution.  So before you being professing your Wiccanhood, take the time to learn about the religion.  If, after you have studied for a while, you believe this is your path, than feel free to shout it from the rooftops. 

Lesson One Quiz

1.  T/F   "To Ride a Silver Broomstick"  is the only book I'll ever need, and the only real way to practice Wicca.

2.  Define Solitary Wiccan.

3.  T/F  Wicca teaches that each person must find their own path, and that my truth does not have to conform to others.

4.  The Principles of Wiccan Belief were written by what group and in what year?

5.  T/F  I have completed all the writing assignments for this chapter.

Lesson One Quiz Answers

1.  False.  If you got this one wrong, re-read the entire chapter.

2.  "One who for various reasons, practices the art and science of Witchcraft alone."

3.  True

4.  The Council of American Witches in 1974.

5.  Hopefully you can answer True.  If not, you need to seriously consider if you are willing to put the work into this study.

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