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 Course 1 Lesson 15
Skill or Gift?

Is the ability to divine, or fortune telling, a gift that only a select few have been given, or is it a skill that anyone can learn?  Personally I believe it is a skill, and one in which each person has the capacity to learn, and a different set of lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome before they become proficient in the art.  I do not believe that there is anything that anyone cannot do.  Sure, some things come easier to some people.  And granted there are things we each excel in and other areas where we don't.  But that does not mean we don't HAVE the ability, it may just mean we don't USE the ability.

Fortune Telling

Ah yes, the old fashioned hustlers!  Simply put, if they look the "part" they probably couldn't read a book let alone your future.  (That's all I'll say about that.)

That is not to say that there are not those who are very good, sincere readers who could be very helpful.  As Silver mentions, even as you grow in your abilities, it may be necessary to have someone else read for you once in a while. This helps to eleveate emotions such as embarrassment, fear or gold ole stubbornness. These emotions can get in the way of a reading.  


There are a multitude of ways or tools that can be utilized for divination.  Not every method will work for you.  But if you practice (yes this is a skill and it takes work) you will become proficient in at least one of these ways.

Silver provides a list of eight major groups of tools and then gives us some other ideas.  Take your time and read through these groups.  Be careful not to dismiss anything based on prior failures. Perhaps your method, focus or intent was wrong before. Or perhaps you weren't ready to use a tool.  Think of this time as a clean slate.

Writing Assignment #1
Briefly describe which two groups you are most interested in and why.

In the next section Silver points out that every Witch should learn, and I would add use, one divinatory tool.  The reasons you use it will very from person to person and by situations.  Personally I haven't checked many spells against my Tarot cards, but the advice is sound.

The Scope of a Divination Tool

There are a couple of key points here.  First, the tool itself is limited only by the user.  Sometimes things will work wonderfully and other times they will make no sense at all.  If things aren't going well in a reading, my advice is to do a "self check".  Are you focused? Are you open to what the tool is saying, instead of trying to force some meaning into it?  If you are reading for someone else, do they believe in this method, or is it a game to them. (Tools are touchy and if they aren't respected they will clam up quick).

The second strong point is the difference between fortune telling and spiritual aiding, for lack of a better phrase.  Personally I have never "seen" an accident about to happen physically.  But I can often tell when my spiritual or emotional sides are out of balance.  Neither ability is higher or more important than the other.

And thirdly, Silver points out that the future is not set in stone.  Each decision we make altars the future.  The tool will only show what could happen if we stay on the same path.  This is very important to keep in mind, whether you are doing a reading for yourself or someone else.  There will be times when the tool will be discussing some rather unpleasant events, such as a death or destruction of property.  Always remember that this does not mean it WILL happen, just that it MAY happen.

Do You Believe?

Simply put, there is no divination tool around that will do you a bit of good if you don't believe it it and yourself.  As I said earlier, this is a time to put aside all past failures in this area and start with a clean slate.  Believe that your chosen tool will work and that you have the ability to use it.  From there, its all a learning process.

Where Does Divinatory Information Come From?

The answer to this will depend on your view point, especially about whether divination is a skill or a gift.  Personally I believe the tools are a method for allowing our subconscious mind to express answers that we already have.  The answers are often blocked by our conscious mind, and the tools enable us to work from the subconcisious, while giving the conscious mind something to focus on.  I know this takes some of the mystery out of it, but I'm a pretty cut to the chase kind of person :).

Choosing the Correct Tool for You.

Picking the type of tool shouldn't be all that hard.  But choosing the particular tool (such as a Tarot Deck) for you, well that's a whole different story.  Some people can feel a connection with a tool.  Others believe any tool will work once you use it and infuse your energy and intent into it.  Personally I think the tool finds you. (So much for my cutting to the chase.)  For example, I have 2 Tarot Decks that I find to be most effective for me.  One was given to me as a gift, and the other one my fiancé' actually bought for herself.  She's a stronger reader than I am, but couldn't get these cards to work for her very well.  I used them a couple of times and had great results.  So, they sort of found me.  My advice is to work with a few and pick what works best.

Reading for Others

When you feel like you are ready to start reading for other people, I would advise coming back to this section first.  Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea to start reading for others until you are somewhat proficient with the tool you have chosen.  This is only because I think it is better to practice, practice, practice and then try and help other people.  You may do more harm than good if you start doing readings for people before you are ready.  If you want to practice reading for other people, find a friend who is like minded and work with them, and let them read for you.  This is a great way to start working on your readings for other people.

Recording your readings

Record keeping is important for any learning process.  These records will enable you to find out what worked well and what can be improved.  Believe me, our mental recall is never as good as we think it should be, so its better to take notes.  If something worked particularly well, you will want to be able to duplicate it.  If something didn't work so well, you will be able to go through your notes and possibly find the problem.

How do you begin to divine?

I really like the idea of performing a ritual at the beginning of our study.  What better chance to bring positive thoughts, ask for help from the Lord and Lady, and rid negative thoughts and blocks?  Its also a great way to get to know your new tool.

Reading Props: Do you need them?

This is basically a personal preference, and one you will have to decide on.  The props may prove useful, but we shouldn't become dependent on them.  After you are comfortable using your tool, try adding some props and see how they work for you.  After all, experience is the best teacher.

Taking care of your tools

Taking car of your tools is important for many reasons.  You don't want them damaged, spiritually or physically. After all, chances are you spent some money on these, or invested a great deal of time and energy in making them. As time goes on the tools will become more and more important to you. The time and care you give them will ensure they work effectively and last a long time.  Plus, its a good way to show them that you respect and appreciate them.

Combining Divination Tools

Obviously we will need to be able to use more than one tool in order to combine them.  For now, my advice is to become familiar with one system, then add another, and then combine them.  One step at a time!

Long Distance Readings

This is something I have not personally done, so I'm not sure if I can provide much insight here.  I can, however, tell you that I know several people who have had good and bad experiences with LDR's. It appears that if you have an emotional connection with the querent these can be very successful.  However, I'd advise against doing a reading for someone you just met in a chat room.  Goddess only knows if they are being upfront and honest with you.  Obviously each situation is different and all you can do is use your best judgment and let the cards fall where they may.


Using Graphology alone, or with another tool, can be extremely helpful. You need not be an expert in this field for it to become a valuable aide.  It may very well be a good idea to study some of the basic precepts.  You may even be surprised at what you can learn about yourself.

Length of Readings

To me this all depends on the people involved and their particular situation.  Do what feels right!  Please remember that comfortable is not always right.  In order to grow we must be stretched :).

Another thing that Silver points out is protection.  Use whatever means are necessary to protect yourself from negativity.  Most often I'm sure that the querent doesn't mean you any harm, but their negativity can adversely affect you and your surroundings.  It is a good idea to cleanse the tool and the area after a particularly troubling reading, and at least once a week.


Personally I think the single most important point in this chapter is that "you should not allow the divination tool to control every decision you make."  Remember, these are tools, not almighty answer devices.  Balance what your divination tells you with other events in your life and common sense.  If you get to a point where you can't make a decision without your tool, it's time to put the tool away for a while!!!

Payment for readings

At this point I am assuming that we are here to learn how to divine, and that we are not ready to charge others for readings.  Therefore, I'm not going to go into this section much.  If/when you feel you are at the point where you want to read for others, and perhaps charge a fee, come back to this section and review it.

Using an astral guide

Never be ashamed to call for some help!!! Each of us will encounter times when we are having trouble getting the complete picture.  If you haven't worked with a guide (or even if you have) simply close your eyes and ask the God/dess for direction.  They will help you.

What happens if you really get stuck?

I can remember the first time I hit a road block.  I was just learning, and had done a few good readings for myself, but I hit a block.  I was so frustrated!! Once I calmed down, refocused, and seriously thought about the situation, the answer became clear.  Moral of the story:  don't stress yourself out!

Another thing that I want to point out is that there is such a thing as a bad reading (for me that usually means a Tarot Spread).  If I'm not focused on using the tool I've gotten some screwy readings.  I think it is the Divines way of getting my attention.  When this happens I simply pick up the cards, reshuffle, and focus.  This usually solves the problem.  I only mention this because I know some people who flat out refuse to consider that they may have gotten a bad reading.  The tool will give logical answers and generally stay on topic. If it seems like things are going all over the place, consider starting over.  


"The key word in this chapter is practice".  Don't expect to dabble with a tool for a few weeks, leave it on the shelf for a few months, and then expect them to help solve all your problems.  As with any skill, Divination takes time, effort and dedication. But in the end, this is a tool that will serve you well.

Writing Assignment #2
Develop a plan for learning how to use your new tool.  How much time will you spend each week working with it?  Will you consult with books for ideas?  Do you have a friend who is adept at using this tool? Will you perform a ritual to begin your journey?  How often will you consult your tool and in what situations?

The rest of the chapter discusses some basic principles of a few divination systems.  Later on in our studies we will cover Divination tools more in-depth.  Therefore, I am not going to try and add to what Silver offers.  I strongly advise you to read the material and utilize it, especially if the tool you are choosing to begin with is covered.



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