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Living Wicca: Lesson 3: Should I Do It While I'm Sick?

This question may appear to be a little odd (for lack of a better word) but really is something we need to consider. Everyone get sick and has days where they just don't feel good. But, if it happens to be a Sabbat, or you were planning on doing some form of ritual that evening, you will have to make a decision as to whether or not you proceed as planned. The temptation is to be "a good little witch" and just fight through the fatigue and sickness, and surge ahead. This may actually do more damage to yourself, and your magick, then we might first consider.

As S.C. notes, there are several effects that sickness can have on our being, and it is not limited to just the physical manifestations of the illness. We will look at each of these areas in turn.

Physical Changes

The physical problems associated with injury or illness may be able to be overcome with some creative thinking. If you are too fatigued to more around much, but still bent on performing your rite, rework it so that you don't have to move. If you have a cast or other injury that is limiting your mobility, again work around that obstacle. This may actually prove to be a great learning experience, as you are basically being forced out of your comfort level. You may end up realizing that there are even more ways to practice the Craft then you were aware of.

If, however, you are so sick that you can't concentrate on what you are doing, or have been instructed by your health care practitioner to remain in bed or off your feet, by all means take a break. The world is not going to come to an end, and the Lord and Lady are not going to punish you simply because you can't do a rite on a specific day and time. Don't limit the Divine like that. Perhaps in a day or two you will feel up to the task. I promise you that if you wait until you are able to concentrate on what you are doing, you will reap greater rewards than by being the good little witch and working your magick when your body just simply can't handle it.

Mental Changes

A large part of our religion is mental. If your illness and/or medication are affecting your mental clarity then you are probably better off not doing any "major" magickal workings. Again, your mind just won't be able to concentrate, and concentration is imperative to effective magick. Instead, pray or meditate as best you can.

Emotional and Spiritual Changes

The emotional balance in our lives is a tricky thing when determining whether or not to perform a ritual. Stress about our performance can lead to some emotional changes and may give us a very convenient escape from having to test ourselves. Be honest with yourself. Are you feeling a bit out of sorts because you are ill or under the influence of medication, or is it more a matter of being nervous about the upcoming ritual and your performance? It it's the medication or illness, give yourself some rest, and wait on the rite. If it's concern about your performance, then get over it and move on. (Sorry, but sometimes it has to be blunt)

Psychic Changes

This is one area that you really just have to feel out for yourself. The only real "help" I can give you is that you will know when you are just not psychically balanced. If this occurs, try taking some time to meditate and correct the imbalance. If for some reason it just won't work, then give yourself some time to regroup, and come back to the rite. It's better that it wait, than for you to be ineffective in your working.

Non-Prescription and Prescription Drugs

Drugs have different effects on different people. Some may have no physical effect at all, and others may make you drowsy, or feeling spaced out. If the medication you are on doesn't affect you, and you feel like going on with the rite, then go ahead and try it. If, however, you are feeling drowsy or spaced out, my advice is to wait. You could end up harming yourself (i.e.: falling asleep with a candle burning) and quite frankly your magick won't be as effective as it will once your mind is clear.

S.C. shows us that the decision to not practice at certain times is actually the sign of a growing Wiccan. It is a much wiser decision to know when you just aren't able to perform, and to recognize this, then it is to perform anyway, knowing you won't be effective.

Magic and Illness

For some reason we Wiccans have this tendency to want to give and give but never take in. If you are sick, my recommendation is that you focus your energy, and the energy around you, to healing yourself first. It's great that you want to help someone else, but it's important that you take care of yourself as well. This is a time to be a little selfish and work some magick for self-healing. The rest of the world's problems can wait a day or two until you are feeling more up to the task.

Writing Assignment

List the factors, as you view them, which should be considered when deciding between practicing and resting in the event of illness and/or injury. Also, discuss modifications that can be made to accommodate mild illness/injury.